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From travel tips to deeper thoughts about life
Deux ans plus tard
Je voulais écrire à nouveau, mais j’attendais LA bonne idée, LE thème, quelque chose qui se démarquerait, ou au minimum une bonne...
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Tomorrows in Morocco
There are two types of people in this world: the ones who take tomorrow for granted, and the ones who say « inshallah ».
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Notes en terre inconnue
Ceci est un cœur ouvert naviguant en terre inconnue, un voyage de découverte à travers les contrées du deuil.
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The courage to live your life
This is my letter to you. You whose tears have been whipped in silence. You who sits down and tries to breathe better. You who senses the...
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20 things that 2020 taught me
It’s almost the end of 2020. Did it go as planned? Hell no. But like always, we have a choice: erase this year and all the feelings that...
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Now what? Now we surrender to uncertainty
March 2020. There will forever be a before and an after.
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Why we still need an International Women's Day in 2020
“But why do you need a women’s day anyway? Where is our men's day?” Because gender equality has not yet been reached. That's it.
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2020: time for your truest self
New year, do you. January is coming to an end: how has the first month of this new decade been treating you? Have you already given up on...
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Wandering to find yourself: a Mexican road trip diary
As I sat down facing my blank Word document, I had a clear goal in mind: sharing what I’ve had experienced the week before, driving on...
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25 things I learned when turning 25
Today, October 13th, 2019, I'm turning 25. A quarter of a century! For the last couple of years, life has been rocking me from side to...
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Are you traveling or running away?
"You’re going away again… there must be something here you’re running away from.” If you've ever quit your job to pursue travel dreams,...
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5 things I've learned as an English Language Teacher
When I decided to stay in Peru and become an English Language Teacher there, I knew it was a challenge to tackle. Apart from my...
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